The Wowchemy Academic Resumé Template for Hugo empowers you to create your job-winning online resumé and showcase your academic publications.
Check out the latest demo of what you’ll get in less than 10 minutes, or view the showcase.
Wowchemy makes it easy to create a beautiful website for free. Edit your site in Markdown, Jupyter, or RStudio (via Blogdown), generate it with Hugo, and deploy with GitHub or Netlify. Customize anything on your site with widgets, themes, and language packs.
To help us develop this template and software sustainably under the MIT license, we ask all individuals and businesses that use it to help support its ongoing maintenance and development via sponsorship.
This homepage section is an example of adding elements to the Blank widget.
Backgrounds can be applied to any section. Here, the background option is set give a color gradient.
To remove this section, delete content/home/
Check out the Markdown files which power the Academic Demo, or view the showcase.
Nelson Bighetti is a professor of artificial intelligence at the Stanford AI Lab. His research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter. He leads the Robotic Neurobiology group, which develops self-reconfiguring robots, systems of self-organizing robots, and mobile sensor networks.
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Download my resumé .
PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2012
Stanford University
MEng in Artificial Intelligence, 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BSc in Artificial Intelligence, 2008
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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